Exchange 2013 – Something Went Wrong

Exchange 2013 - something went wrong

MSExchangeDiagnostics Event 1006

The performance counter ‘EXCHANGE2013MSExchangeIS Store(mailbox database 1736747621)Quarantined Mailbox Count’ sustained a value of ‘1.00’, for the ’10’ minute(s) interval ending at ’27/02/2013 3:30:00 AM’. Additional information: None. Trigger Name:StoreQuarantinedMailboxCountTrigger. Instance:mailbox database 1736747621
Having some difficulties with Exchange 2013. It was up and running, but after playing about with certificates, ECP now seems to be broken. When I access ECP via FQDN or localhost, I am initially presented with the normal OWA login screen but when I enter administrative credentials I get the error message:

Check the bindings in IIS.

I have seen it have an issue when it has as its own https binding. Remove that and the http one and try again. (easy to add back if theres a problem, so not a drastic change and works most times).

"Exchange 2013 – something went wrong" - By admin - - No Comments